Access to the technology resources of Christ the Redeemer Catholic School by its faculty, staff, volunteers and students is for purposes of instruction, research and school administration. Technology resources may include computer hardware and software licensed to the schools, telephones, cell phones and other devices issued by the school. These resources are not to be used for private business or personal, non-work related communications.
Below are the guidelines to follow when using the school’s technology resources.
Respecting the rights and property of others is paramount. No improper access or misuse of files, data, or information, or improper use and waste of technology resources such as disk space or printing supplies will be tolerated.
Both operating systems and program applications must be approved by the school administration and Technology Coordinator and installed by the Technology Coordinator or designee.
The illegal installation of copyrighted software or files for use on school computers is prohibited. The school’s Technology Coordinator is to install any software on school computers following the license agreement. The Technology Coordinator will secure all license agreements on file.
It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston that all employees, volunteers, and students are to abide by the federal copyright laws.
Employees, volunteers, and students may duplicate print or non-print materials allowed by:
Other types if permission is given in writing.
Employees, volunteers, and students who willfully disregard copyright laws are in violation of this policy and do so at their own risk and assuming all liability.
The purpose of the security policy is to ensure that technology assets are used only by authorized persons for authorized purposes, that computer related hardware, software, data, and digital equipment are protected from mischief, and that accountability is established for achievement of these objectives.
Passwords for accessing technology resources must be kept private and must meet password strength requirements. It is the employee/volunteer’s responsibility to use the password and protect it from unauthorized use of others. Employees and volunteers should not allow students to access resources through their employee/volunteer accounts.
The school has adopted the Archdiocesan guidelines for the acceptance of technology donations. All potential donations are to be evaluated by the technology committee. Donations will be evaluated upon the ability to meet the following criteria:
It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Office, and Christ the Redeemer Catholic School to require the ethical use of the Internet and related technologies by all employees and volunteers. These policies are set forth below. Access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action taken for any violations that are unethical and may constitute a criminal offense.
The use of the Internet and related technologies must be in support of education and research consistent with the educational objectives of the Archdiocese and the school. Use of other organizations’ networks or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for these networks.
Student access to the Internet shall be monitored or supervised by a school staff member.
Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S., State, Board, Archdiocesan, or school policy is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted materials, threatening, violent, or obscene material, weblogs (also known as blogs), text messages, images, or material protected by trade secret.
Gaming, social networking, blogs, and video sites (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, Netflix, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.) are prohibited unless authorized by the faculty or used for educational purposes.
Use of technology resources for commercial activities, marketing or any type of income-generating activity is prohibited. Advertising the sale of products, whether commercial or personal is prohibited.Use of the technology resources for promoting activities or events for individuals or organizations not directly affiliated with or sanctioned by Christ the Redeemer Catholic School is prohibited.
Use of technology resources for political lobbying, game playing, gambling, chain letter communication, information on bombs and pornography is also prohibited.No profane, abusive or impolite language and/or text messages should be used to communicate nor should materials be accessed or transmitted which are not in line with the Archdiocesan code of professional ethics.
E-mail, like the telephone is intended primarily for business purposes. Incidental and occasional personal use of electronic mail is permitted, but such messages and access will be governed by this policy.
Use of e-mail/text messages for inappropriate messages is prohibited. Inappropriate messages include, but are not limited to, those containing discriminatory or derogatory language or remarks that may be construed as sexual harassment, unsolicited e-mail (spam), and those that contain inappropriate images.
Misaddressed e-mail should be routed immediately, without reading, to intended recipient OR deleted without reading.