Out of an abundance of caution and in order to prevent the community spread of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 in our area, Christ the Redeemer Catholic School, together with all Archdiocesan Catholic Schools of Galveston-Houston, is extending the closure of school, as well as the cancelation of all extra-curricular activities through April 10, 2020. We will continue to monitor and update you with information in coordination with the Archdiocese, local health officials and the Texas Education Agency as the picture becomes clearer as to the full extension of this closure. No matter what, please know that CtRCS is committed to serving our students to the very best of our ability amidst this new reality.
The administrative team, together with members of our faculty, are putting together a comprehensive plan to ensure quality distance learning that is both engaging for students and easily managed for families. You will be receiving specific details about this new mode of learning on Thursday of this week. In the meantime, be on the lookout for a Flocknote from your child’s teacher(s) with some optional activities for students to engage in this week.
Given the extended closure of our physical building, our top priority is to get learning materials/resources back in the hands of the students. To do this we have worked out a systematic way to pick up your child(ren)’s textbooks, workbooks, Chromebooks, etc. from the Parish Hall, which is both efficient and adheres to the latest guidelines to limit public gatherings to 10 or less people.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 18, we have set up the attached schedule for material pick-up. We ask that you keep in mind the following when picking up your child’s materials:
Please adhere to your assigned time.
If you are unable to arrive at this time, we ask that you come during the evening “open period” from 5pm - 7pm. Be aware that wait times may be much longer in the evening, and we urge as many of you as possible to arrive at your scheduled time.
Only 10 people will be allowed in the Parish Hall at one time. Therefore, we ask that when waiting in line to enter the Parish Hall please provide adequate space between yourself and others (a minimum of six feet).
Our objective is to get each of you in and out of the Parish Hall as quickly as possible. Therefore, please don’t use this time to socialize with other parents.
We ask that only one representative (an adult) from your family come to pick up the materials. If you have more than one child and need help getting materials we will have staff on-call to help out. You are asked to bring your own personal bags, carts, wagons, etc. to transport materials to your cars.
In order to keep things as clean as possible, please only touch the materials you are picking up.
If you have medications housed here at school, these will be available for pick up during this time in the lobby of the Parish Hall.
If you will be picking up for another family, please indicate this upon check out.
If for any reason you are unable to pick up your child’s materials either during your scheduled time or during the evening “open period,” please email Mrs. Serey at [email protected].
Again, please be on the lookout today for a message from your child’s teacher(s), and on Thursday for another message from me regarding our official distance learning, which will begin on Monday, March 23. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these challenging days. Let us continue to pray for one another and for all of God’s people.