Once a month, we have an assembly honoring our Crusader accomplishments and celebrating birthdays. We also meet one time per month as a Crusader Volunteer Community. Event details are communicated to families in our weekly eNewsletter, the Crusader Chronicle.
Used Uniform Sale
Fall Spirit Wear Sale
Parent Orientation
Meet the Teacher & Popsicle Party
Back to School Bash
Monthly Assembly
Crusader Volunteer Community Meeting
Back to School Nights
Chili Cook-Off Spirit Week
Chili Cook-Off Pep Rally
Trunk or Treat
MS Dance
Red Ribbon Week
Chili Cook-Off Auction Launch
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Chili Cook-Off
Grandparent’s Day
Spirit Wear Sale
Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Spirit Week
Class Christmas Parties
Christmas Music Programs
Christmas Break
CtRCS Re-Enrollment Begins
Steps For Students Kick-Off Assembly
Steps for Students Spirit Week
Flapjacks w/Faculty
Used Uniform Sale
MS Dance #2
Father/Daughter Dance
Catholic Schools Week
Steps for Students
Ash Wednesday
Stations of the Cross
CtR Parish Fish Fry (every Friday during Lent)
Teacher for the Day
Spring Break
Easter Break
He is Risen! Day
CtR Spring Festival
Field Day
Crusader Fund Day of Giving
MS Dance #3
Mother/Son Game Night
Mother’s Day Event
End of Year Crusader Volunteer Community Events
Kindergarten Graduation
8th Grade Graduation